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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

It's President's Day, and I hope you all celebrate the way our forefathers intended, by getting a great deal on a mattress.

今天是总统纪念日 希望大家都用祖先的方式去庆祝 就是买个大打折扣的床垫

Right now, I want to celebrate by playing a brand new game.

现在 我想玩个全新的游戏来庆祝

How many of you played that game HQ Live on your phones?

有多少人玩过手机上的HQ Live游戏?

All right. If you haven't, it's a trivia app that lets you play in real time with people all over the country

好 如果你还没玩过 它是个小程序 能让你实时跟全国各地的人一起玩

and you answer multiple choice questions, and if you get them all right, you win.

回答多项选择题 如果能全部答对 你就赢了

So we thought we'd play an even liver version of HQ Live.

所以我们想来个现场版的HQ Live


I'm calling it, Who Wants to be the Smartest Audience Member?


All right. Here's how it works.

好 是这样

Everybody stand up and grab the control from your cup holder.

所有人站起来 拿起杯架上的控制器

All right. I am going to ask a multiple choice question.

好 我来问问题

You have five seconds, so hurry up and make a decision.

你们有五秒的时间 所以要快速决定

It's multiple choice. Either press one, two, or three.

是多项选择题 只能按1 2 或3

You don't have to hit send. Just one, two, or three.

不用按发送键 只用按1 2 3

If you get the question wrong, you have to sit down.

如果答错了 你就得做下

And everyone, we're going on the honesty policy here.

所有人 都要诚实自觉哦

All right. Then you'd have to put down your remote and stop if you sit down.

好 如果你坐下了 就得放下控制器 停止答题

All right. No cheating. Here we go.

好 不能作弊哦 开始

And the last one standing is officially the smartest person in the audience.


Let's start with an easy one here, OK? Who is the singer Halsey dating?

先来个简单的 好吧 歌手Halsey在跟谁约会?

One, G-Eazy. Two, G-Slightly Difficult. Or three, G-Hard.

1 G-Eazy 2 G-Slightly Difficult 3 G-Hard

Five seconds. Pick one. Lock it in. Time is out.

五秒的时间 选一个 确定一个 时间到

All right. It is one, G-Eazy.

好 是1 G-Eazy

All right. The six and the 16, sit down. You got that wrong.

好 选2的6个人和选3的16个人做下 你们答错了

All right. Here we go. Next one.

好 继续 下一个

There was a lot of Don Julio at my birthday party.


What color is absinthe? One, orange. Two, clear. Three, green.

苦艾酒是什么颜色?1 橙色 2 透明色 3 绿色

Press in. Running out of time. Time's up. And it is green.

按键 没时间了 时间到 是绿色

All right. All right. Can see who drinks absinthe in this audience here.

好 好 可以看出来观众里有哪些人喝苦艾酒

Here we go. The Winter Olympics are on right now.

继续 现在在举行冬奥会

Which of these is not a Winter Olympic sport?


One, skeleton. Two, Nordic combined. Three, triathlon.

1 俯式冰橇 2 北欧两项 3 铁人三项

Lock in. One, two, or three. Make a decision now. Do it.

确定 1 2 还是3 做决定 选吧

Running out of time. All right. It is triathlon.

没时间了 好 正确答案是铁人三项

Sit down if you chose one or two. All right.

如果选了1和2就坐下 好

Look at all these people like, yeah, I'm still standing. Yeah.

看这些人 耶 我还站着 嗯

All right. Speaking of the Olympics, what's the periodic symbol for gold?

好 说到奥运会 黄金的元素符号是什么?

One, AG. Two, AU. Three, GD. Periodic symbol for gold.

1 AG 2 AU 3 GD 黄金的元素符号

And it is locked in. All right. It is two, AU. All right.

确定 好 是2 AU 好

John, Ringo, Paul, and George were all members of the Beatles.

John Ringo Paul和George都是披头士乐队的成员

Which of these is not an insect? One, flea. Two, tick. Three, moth.

下列哪项是昆虫?1 跳蚤 2 蜱 3 蛾

Five seconds. Which is not an insect? Locked in. And the answer is tick.

五秒时间 哪个是昆虫?确定 答案是蜱

Oh, boy. I know. Nine people left. Nine smarty pants there.

哦 天哪 我知道 只剩9个人了 还有9个聪明人

All right. Which of these cities is roughly halfway between Los Angeles and New York City?

好 下列哪座城市大约在洛杉矶和纽约市的正中间?

One, Jefferson City. Two, Dallas. Three, Minneapolis.

1 杰佛逊市 2 达拉斯 3 明尼阿波利斯市

Five seconds. Which is about halfway?

五秒时间 哪个在正中间?

And the answer is one, Jefferson City.

答案是1 杰佛逊市

Wow. Look at this. Four people. If the Oscars are March 4th, what is a shooting star?

哇哦 看看啊 4个人 如果奥斯卡在3月4号 那么哪种是流星?

One, a meteor. Two, a comet. Three, a dying star.

1 流星 2 彗星 3 垂死的恒星

What is a shooting star? Two seconds left.


Lock it in. And the answer is one, meteor.

确定 答案是1 流星

One person, I think. Is it two?

一个人 是吧 是两个吗

Well, we have a winner. You're the smartest.

好 有结果了 你是最聪明的

Wow. You're getting a 65" TCL Roku TV. All right.

哇哦 你将获得65英寸的TCL罗库电视 好

There you go. You just take that home.

对 抱回家吧

重点单词   查看全部解释    
multiple ['mʌltipl]


adj. 许多,多种多样的
n. 倍数,并联

celebrate ['selibreit]


v. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬

comet ['kɔmit]


n. 慧星

moth [mɔθ]


n. 蠹,娥

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

honesty ['ɔnisti]


n. 诚实,正直

periodic [.piəri'ɔdik]


adj. 周期的,定期的,间歇的,完句的

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

remote [ri'məut]


adj. 偏僻的,遥远的,远程的,(感情等)距离很大

mattress ['mætris]


n. 床垫





