Two of Donald Trump’s closest former advisers were convicted in separate court cases on a raft of charges. Michael Cohen, the president’s erst while personal lawyer, struck a plea-bargain deal with federal prosecutors and admitted that he had paid off two women claiming to have had affairs with Mr Trump. Damningly, he said he did this “in co-ordination and at the direction of ” Mr Trump (who was not named directly in the case). Paul Manafort, Mr Trump’s campaign manager until August 2016, was found guilty of tax fraud. He also faces trial on charges relating to his work for pro-Russian Ukrainians.
唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)最亲密的两名前顾问因一系列指控在不同的法庭案件中被判有罪。迈克尔·科恩(Michael Cohen)曾是特朗普的私人律师,他与联邦检察官达成了一项和解协议,承认曾向两名声称与特朗普有染的女性支付“封口费”。糟糕的是,他指出,自己这么做是经过“协调的”,而且是在特朗普授意下(特朗普在此案中并未直接点名)。于2016年8月卸任的特朗普竞选经理保罗·马纳福特(Paul Manafort)被判犯有税务欺诈罪。他还面临着其他指控的审判,主要与为亲俄乌克兰人工作有关。
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Duncan Hunter, a Republican congressman from California, was charged with misusing campaign funds for personal use. He is the second Republican to face criminal charges this month: Chris Collins, who represents a districtin upstate New York, has been indicted for insider trading.
来自加利福尼亚的共和党国会议员邓肯·亨特(Duncan Hunter)被控滥用竞选资金用于个人用途。他是本月第二位面临刑事指控的共和党人:此前,代表纽约州北部某地区的克里斯·柯林斯(Chris Collins)因内幕交易罪被起诉。
The Trump administration ditched the Clean Power Plan, which set federal guidelines for states to reduce their carbon emissions. Under the new Affordable Clean Energy rule, states will be allowed to set less stringent standards and coal can once again be included in an “efficient” energy mix.
特朗普政府废除了“清洁能源计划”(Clean Power Plan),该计划为各州制定了减少碳排放的联邦指导方针。根据新的“可负担清洁能源规则”,各州将被允许设定较为宽松的排放标准,煤炭可被再次纳入“高效”能源行列。
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Depreciating, fast
Venezuela’s president, Nicolas Maduro, announced a series of measures to shore up the economy, which is suffering from a deep depression and hyperinflation. He devalued the currency by 95% and replaced it with a new currency, the “sovereign bolívar”, which has five fewer zeroes. He admitted that hyperinflation had been caused by printing bolívares to finance a massive budget deficit and promised a “zero deficit”. The new currency is to be pegged to the petro, a unit of account backed by oil reserves. It began depreciating soon after its introduction.
委内瑞拉总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)宣布了一系列措施来支撑经济,该国正遭受着严重的经济萧条和恶性通货膨胀。马杜罗将货币直接贬值95%,新货币——“主权玻利瓦尔”取而代之,后者比前者少了5个零。他承认,为弥补巨额预算赤字而印制玻利瓦尔货币,导致了恶性通胀,并承诺实现“零赤字”。新货币将与以石油储量为基础的记账单位石油币(petro)挂钩。新货币推出后不久开始贬值。
As Venezuelans flee their country in the thousands, Ecuador introduced restrictions on Venezuelan migrants, saying they must hold a passport to enter. Around 4,000 Venezuelans are arriving at the Ecuadorean border each day, many en route to Peru and Chile. In Brazil a Venezuelan migrant camp was attacked and its occupants driven back over the border.
The youth have their say
Protests erupted in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, following the detention of five opposition MPs, including Bobi Wine, who is also a popular singer. Mr Wine says the government is trying to kill him. At least one protester died when police fired tear gas and tried to remove barricades that have been erected across the city.
在乌干达首都坎帕拉,5名反对派议员被拘引发了抗议活动,其中包括流行歌手博比·温恩(Bobi Wine)。温恩称,政府想要谋杀他。警察向人群发射催泪瓦斯并拆除城市各处设置的路障时,造成至少一名抗议者死亡。
Kofi Annan, the seventh secretary-general of the UN, died after a short illness. Mr Annan, the first sub-Saharan African to lead the organisation, sparred with America over its war in Iraq. But many will remember him for drawing attention to the plight of the poor, the sick and the victims of conflict.
联合国第七任秘书长科菲·安南(Kofi Annan)因病去世。安南是第一位领导联合国的撒哈拉以南非洲人,他曾与美国就伊拉克战争问题争执不下。但许多人会记得他,因为他让全世界开始关注穷人、病人和冲突受害者的困境。