"For the first time in my life, I feel that I am alive."
Why? "Because for the first time, I appreciate breathing."
"For the first time in many years, I appreciate my husband, my wife, my friend, my children." a flower. The grass.
The conversation. For the first time of my life, I appreciate it, whereas before, the focus was just not there.
It was other things. On the difficulties, the hardships- mostly on the negative.
And remember, as far as you are concerned, the children on a bus did not exist.

As far as most people are concerned, the good things in their life, in their relationships, do not exist.
Because when we are not grateful for them, when we take them for granted, as far as we are concerned, they are not there.
And we are numb to these things. We are dead to these things.
And it takes a wake-up call, like a terminal disease to wake us up?
To get us to focus on what is right inside us or all around us all the time? Why? Why wait? Why wait?
There's a lot of research on the value of gratitude.
You've read one before. You'll be reading one of the articles by Robert Emmons and Michael McCullough from UC Davis.
你们之前也看过了,你们看过Robert Emmon写的文章,还有加大分校Michael McCullough写的文章