Of the allegations that Allen abused his adopted daughter Dylan Farrow,
she has said that she would not have worked with him had she known what she knows today, and she won't work with him in the future.
Farrow tweeted her appreciation in response, writing, "Thank you for your words. Please know they are deeply felt and appreciated."
The meticulous preparation Gerwig put herself through, over many years, seems less typical of young male directors.
"It might be gendered, it might be a variety of other things. I had this sense of needing to be prepared," she says.
"It does seem to be something women struggle with more."
But she knew when the time had come:
"It does reach a point where you think, If I fall on my face and it's dreadful and everybody says it's dreadful, I'd rather have tried than not."
Now she is eager to apply her talents to a different kind of story.
She isn't bound to the constraints of modest indies, she says.
In fact, she wants to make a leap in scale, in the mold of Spielberg, who in her view has mastered the art of making genre movies personal.

While Lady Bird trades in purposefully "unadorned cinematic language" —conversations in cars and schoolyard skirmishes—for her next trick she'll need CGI and special-effects teams.
尽管《伯德小姐》有意选用了“朴素的电影语言”—— 发生在车里的对话和校园里的小冲突——但要拍好下一步电影,她还是需要CGI和特效团队。
She'll act again, for the right director with the right project—this summer she'll shoot a drama with the French director Mia Hansen-Love—but her priority is clear.
以后她也还是会出演电影,遇到合适的导演和合适的作品的话,—— 这个夏天她就要和法国导演Mia Hansen-Love一起拍一部电视剧——但她很清楚自己的工作重点。
"It's important to know at any given moment what you would drop everything for," she says. "I would drop everything to write and direct movies."
For years, there has been a sense that Hollywood is on the precipice of a change that never arrives.
The so-called Bridesmaids effect, proclaimed following that film's blockbuster performance in 2011, failed to fully come to fruition.
In 2017, many wondered if the Wonder Woman effect would prove similarly meaningless.
But women's ups and downs in the industry are as old as Hollywood itself.