Apple's phones are beautiful but have fragile designs full of glass.
SquareTrade, a device insurer, has performed so-called "drop tests" on the two new iPhone XS devices.
设备保险公司“SquareTrade”对两款新的“iPhone XS”手机进行了所谓的“坠落试验”
Business Insider reports the glass on both devices broke when dropped from six feet.
据“Business Insider”报道,当从6英尺(约1.83米)高坠落时,两款手机上的玻璃都摔碎了。

But the test found that the iPhone XS Max, with a bigger screen, was only a "medium risk" to break, as compared to the smaller iPhone XS, which was scored as a "high risk" to break.
但该试验发现,与摔碎“风险很高”的小款“iPhone XS”相比,屏幕更大的“iPhone XS Max”摔碎的“风险居中”。
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