1.intense conversation 窃窃私语
An intense conversation could mean there are changes coming up and soon.
一场激烈的谈话表明某些变化正在迫近 。
2.jump into 跳入;跳进……
"They are on a sinking ship and use it as a life raft because they don't want to just jump into the cold water," Reilly says.
蕾利说,她们就好像在一艘沉船上,用外遇作为救生艇,因为她们不想要直接跳入冰冷的水中 。
3.walk through 走过
I'll drive or walk through your neighborhood at night, before you close the blinds, just to pick my targets.
我会在晚上开车或步行穿过你的邻居,在你关上百叶窗之前,窃得我的目标 。
4.inveterate 根深的
Mr Reid complained that inveterate Republican opposition had prevented the Senate from taking up the cap-and-trade scheme passed by the House of Representatives last year.
雷德抱怨说因为共和党对民主党根深蒂固的反对阻碍了参议院实施在去年就由众议院通过的限额交易计划 。
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