1. as with 正如……一样
The IT field has grown to the point where, as with the medical field, it's impossible for one person to master all of it.
跟医学领域一样,IT领域已经发展到一个人没办法掌握完所有的东西的地步了 。
2. taken together 总而言之
Taken together, the changes mark something of a shift in Facebook's attitude towards online privacy.
总之,这种变化反应了Facebook对网络隐私的态度已经发生了转变 。
3. in the case of 在……的情况下
The bank had the right to appropriation in the case of unclaimed deposits.
银行有权使用无人领取的存款 。
4. cast doubt (that/on) 怀疑
The UN appeared to cast doubt last week on whether this deadline would be met.
上周联合国似乎怀疑这个最后期限能否得到遵守 。
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