1. without apology 丝毫不觉愧疚
Without apology, he got up and left the room.
没有丝毫愧疚,他站起身离开了房间 。
2. initial public offering 首次公开募股
The company's recent initial public offering has made it one of the most valuable internet businesses.
该公司最近进行了首次公开募股(IPO),成了世界上最有价值的互联网公司之一 。
3. be listed in + 地名 在……上市
The company has been looking to be listed in the U. S. for three years.
该公司希望三年内在美国上市 。
4. inroads into 进入
Chou is now focusing on expanding sales in the U. S. and on making inroads into mainland China.
周正关注于扩大美国销售量和进军中国大陆 。
5. a roster of 一串;一系列
Provinces, including Fujian and Guangdong, are drawing up a roster of potential investment projects.
福建、广东等省市正在拟定一系列可能的投资项目 。
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