Eighteen, Tyrion thought. Eighteen, and a whore, but quick of wit, nimble as a cat between the sheets, with large dark eyes and fine black hair and a sweet, soft, hungry little mouth... and mine! Damn you, eunuch. "I fear I'm the intruder, Lord Varys," he said with forced courtesy. "When I came in, you were in the midst of some merriment."
M'lord Varys complimented Chella on her ears and said she must have killed many men to have such a fine necklace, Shae explained. It grated on him to hear her call Varys m'lord in that tone; that was what she called him in their pillow play. "And Chella told him only cowards kill the vanquished."

Braver to leave the man alive, with a chance to cleanse his shame by winning back his ear, explained Chella, a small dark woman whose grisly neckware was hung with no less than forty-six dried, wrinkled ears. Tyrion had counted them once. "Only so can you prove you do not fear your enemies."
Shae hooted. "And then m'lord says if he was a Black Ear he'd never sleep, for dreams of one-eared men."
A problem I will never need face, Tyrion said. "I'm terrified of my enemies, so I kill them all."
Varys giggled. "Will you take some wine with us, my lord?"