1. tip sth. into 把……倒入
A big huge bucket on his head carrying water, and he'd tip it into our huge barrel in the back garden.
他用头顶着一个大桶送水,然后把水倒进了我们后院的大桶里 。
2. shore up 支撑;支持
At the moment, Chinese banks are busy raising funds to shore up their capital base after a year of massive lending.
中资银行在经过一年的大规模放贷后,目前正忙着融资,以充实资本金基础 。
3. lash out at 斥责;抨击
It seemed that he was going to lash out at her, but he controlled himself.
他似乎就要斥责她了,但马上又控制住了自己 。
4. turn off 让……失去兴致
He was so hot, but he got a weird smell, which immediately turned me off, man.
他非常性感,但身上有股怪味儿,我一下子便对他没兴趣了 。
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