In the biggest deal to date in the software industry, ibm said it was buying Red Hat, the world’s largest seller of open-source products, for $34bn. The takeover catapults ibm into the big league of cloud-computing services, a business in which it has struggled to make a mark.
IBM表示,将斥资340亿美元收购全球最大的开源软件鼻祖红帽公司(Red Hat),这是软件行业迄今最大的一笔交易。这次收购让IBM进军云计算服务的大联盟,IBM一直以来都努力在这一领域取得成功。
Workers at Google staged walkouts at several offices around the world to protest against what they say is the company’s lax handling of sexual-harassment claims. It is the latest activist-led incident at Google, which, if conducted by unions, would be described as industrial action.

General Electric’s troubles deepened, as it revealed that the Justice Department had opened a criminal investigation into its accounting practices and the Securities and Exchange Commission had expanded the remit of its inquiries. Both probes focus on a write-down related to ge’s power business, which caused it to report a quarterly loss of $22.8bn, one of the biggest ever. GE slashed its dividend to just one cent a share.
General Motors steered its business to a 25% jump in operating profit for the latest quarter. It offset falling car sales in America and China by shifting pricier models. Volkswagen also had a good quarter, despite tougher car-emissions standards in Europe, with net profit rising to 2.7bn euros ($3.1bn).
通用汽车(General Motors)最新一季度的营业利润增长了25%。通过更换价格更高的车型,丰田抵消了美国和中国汽车销量下降的影响。尽管欧洲汽车排放标准更加严格,但大众汽车的季度业绩尚可观,净利润增至27亿欧元(合31亿美元)。

A slump in demand for its vehicles, particularly in China, drove Jaguar Land Rover to its second quarterly loss of the year. The carmaker announced a cost-cutting plan that could lead to more job losses.
捷豹路虎(Jaguar Land Rover)的汽车需求下滑,中国市场尤为显著,这导致其今年第二季度出现亏损。这家汽车制造商宣布了一项削减成本的计划,这可能会导致更多的失业。
Waymo, an autonomous-car project backed by Google’s parent company, Alphabet, was awarded the first permit in California to test fully driverless vehicles, without a standby driver sitting inside, on the state’s public roads. Waymo will conduct its trials on the streets and highways around Silicon Valley, assuring residents that its cars can “safely handle fog”. Meanwhile, Alphabet said that passengers were now paying for rides in Waymo’s experimental minivans in Phoenix, which means that Waymo’s autonomous cars are the first to introduce commercial charges.