America’s Justice Department gave the go-ahead for the $69bn merger of CVS Health and Aetna, which will reshape the health-care industry. The regulator approved the deal after Aetna agreed to sell its Medicare drug business.
美国司法部批准了CVS健康公司(CVS Health)与安泰保险公司(Aetna)价值690亿美元的合并,这将重塑医疗保健行业。在安泰同意出售其医疗保险药物业务后,监管机构批准了这笔交易。
Just a week after settling with the Securities and Exchange Commission over the tweets he published claiming he would take Tesla private, Elon Musk courted more controversy by describing the regulator as the “Shortseller Enrichment Commission”. David Einhorn, a prominent short-seller of the electric-carmaker’s stock, said Mr Musk’s erratic behaviour risked turning the company into another Lehman Brothers. The company’s share price dropped to its lowest level in 18 months.
在与美国证券交易委员会(sec)就特斯拉私有化一事达成和解仅一周后,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)称该监管机构为“喂肥空头的委员会”,此举引发了更大的争议。埃因霍恩(David Einhorn)是这家电动汽车制造商股票的知名卖空投资者。他表示,马斯克的古怪行为可能会让这家公司变成另一版雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)。该公司股价跌至18个月来的最低水平。

Meanwhile the share price of Nio, a Chinese electric-carmaker which recently listed on the stockmarket, soared by a fifth upon the news that Tesla’s biggest outside investor, Baillie Gifford, a fund manager, has amassed an 11.4% stake in the Shanghai-based company.
与此同时,最近刚上市的中国电动汽车制造商蔚来(Nio)的股价飙升了五分之一,因为有消息称,特斯拉最大的外部投资者、基金经理贝利·吉福德(Baillie Gifford)持有这家总部位于上海的公司11.4%的股份。
A brake in demand for cars in China caused Jaguar Land Rover to plan a two-week closure of its main assembly plant in Britain. That prompted a sell-off in the shares of Tata Motors, JLR’s parent company. Volkswagen said its sales in China had dropped by 10% in September, adding to poor sales in Europe, where many of its vehicles do not meet tougher emissions standards.
中国汽车需求的放缓,捷豹路虎(Jaguar Land Rover)计划关闭其位于英国的主要装配厂,为期两周。这导致捷豹路虎的母公司塔塔汽车(Tata Motors)的股票遭到抛售。大众汽车(Volkswagen)表示,旗下品牌汽车9月份在中国的销量下降了10%,加剧了其在欧洲的销售疲软,大众汽车的许多车型没有达到欧洲更严格的排放标准。

The target of Britain’s first Unexplained Wealth Order lost her battle to retain her anonymity. Zamira Hajiyeva, the wife of a former banker jailed in Azerbaijan for embezzlement, may now have to explain to the High Court how the London mansion she owns was paid for. She also spent 16m pounds ($21m) in Harrods, just a short walk from her home, over the course of ten years. Being the target of an order does not imply wrongdoing.
作为英国首个不明财富秩序的打击目标,她没能成功隐藏自己的真实身份。扎米拉·哈基耶娃(Zamira Hajiyeva)是一名前银行家的妻子,丈夫因挪用公款被监禁于阿塞拜疆。她现在可能不得不向高等法院解释,其名下拥有的伦敦豪宅是如何到手的。在过去的十年里,她还在离家几步远的哈罗兹(Harrods)百货公司挥霍了1600万英镑(2100万美元)。成为某法令的打击目标并不意味着当事人违反乱纪。
American employers added 134,000 workers to the payroll in September, the smallest increase in a year. America’s unemployment rate fell to 3.7%, the lowest since 1969.
The long hot summer injected a bit of heat into the British economy. GDP grew at a robust rate of 0.7% for the three months to August, the same as the three months to July, which was the fastest pace since early 2017. Consumer spending on one-off events like the World Cup played its part, but construction also remained solid over the period. The outlook may not be so sunny as Brexit approaches.