1. escalate sth. into... 让……演变成……
This incident has escalated a conventional skirmish into a nuclear exchange.
这一事件让一场传统的小规模战斗逐步升级成了一场核战争 。
2. even before 即便在……之前
Even before he opens his mouth, I seem to know what he's going to say nine times out of ten.
他还没开口,我似乎就十有八九知道他要说什么了 。
3. take over 占领
While vacationing with her mother in Arnhem, Hitler's army took over the town.
她和母亲正在阿纳姆度假时,希特勒的军队占领了这座城镇 。
4. in support of 支持
Most of the speakers came out in support of these proposals.
大多数发言者都公开表示支持这些建议 。
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