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来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • One time Arya woke in the dark, frightened for no reason she could name.
  • 有天夜里,艾莉亚突然惊醒,只觉一种莫名的恐惧。
  • Above, the Red Sword shared the sky with half a thousand stars.
  • 头顶,“红剑”与千颗繁星装饰着夜空。
  • The night seemed oddly quiet to her, though she could hear Yoren's muttered snores,
  • 她虽听得见尤伦沉闷的打呼,
  • the crackle of the fire, even the muffled stirrings of the donkeys.
  • 营火的哔啪,甚至远处驴子的骚动,
  • Yet somehow it felt as though the world were holding its breath, and the silence made her shiver.
  • 却觉得夜晚奇特地宁静,彷佛全世界都屏住了气息。这种静谧使她禁不住发抖,
  • She went back to sleep clutching Needle.
  • 抓紧缝衣针,她才继续睡去。
  • Come morning, when Praed did not awaken, Arya realized that it had been his coughing she had missed.
  • 第二天早上,普雷德没有醒来,艾莉亚方才明白,昨晚没听见的是他的咳嗽。
  • They dug a grave of their own then, burying the sellsword where he'd slept.
  • 于是他们也挖了个坟,把这位佣兵埋在他昨晚入睡的地方。
  • Yoren stripped him of his valuables before they threw the dirt on him.
  • 入土之前,尤伦先把他身上值钱的东西都扒了下来。
  • One man claimed his boots, another his dagger. His mail shirt and helm were parceled out.
  • 有人要了他的靴子,有人拿了匕首,锁甲和头盔也各归新主。
  • His longsword Yoren handed to the Bull. "Arms like yours, might be you can learn to use this," he told him.
  • 尤伦特地把他的长剑交给大牛,对他说:“看你这双胳膊,大概可以学学用这个。”
  • A boy called Tarber tossed a handful of acorns on top of Praed's body, so an oak might grow to mark his place.
  • 有个叫塔柏的男孩在普雷德的尸体上洒了把种子,这里以后便会长出一棵橡树,标记他葬身之地。
  • That evening they stopped in a village at an ivy-covered inn.
  • 当天傍晚,他们在村庄稍事休息,住进一个外墙爬满长春藤的旅店。
  • Yoren counted the coins in his purse and decided they had enough for a hot meal.
  • 尤伦数数钱包里的铜板,决定让他们吃一顿热餐。
  • "We'll sleep outside, same as ever, but they got a bathhouse here, if any of you feels the need o' hot water and a lick o' soap."
  • “咱们还是老规矩,晚上睡外面;不过这儿有间澡堂,你们要是想抹点肥皂洗个热水澡,就自己动手。”


One time Arya woke in the dark, frightened for no reason she could name. Above, the Red Sword shared the sky with half a thousand stars. The night seemed oddly quiet to her, though she could hear Yoren's muttered snores, the crackle of the fire, even the muffled stirrings of the donkeys. Yet somehow it felt as though the world were holding its breath, and the silence made her shiver. She went back to sleep clutching Needle.


Come morning, when Praed did not awaken, Arya realized that it had been his coughing she had missed. They dug a grave of their own then, burying the sellsword where he'd slept. Yoren stripped him of his valuables before they threw the dirt on him. One man claimed his boots, another his dagger. His mail shirt and helm were parceled out. His longsword Yoren handed to the Bull. "Arms like yours, might be you can learn to use this," he told him. A boy called Tarber tossed a handful of acorns on top of Praed's body, so an oak might grow to mark his place.

That evening they stopped in a village at an ivy-covered inn. Yoren counted the coins in his purse and decided they had enough for a hot meal. "We'll sleep outside, same as ever, but they got a bathhouse here, if any of you feels the need o' hot water and a lick o' soap."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
counted [kaunt]


vt. 计算;认为 vi. 计数;有价值 n. 计数;计

soap [səup]


n. 肥皂
vt. 用肥皂洗,阿谀奉承

stripped [stript]


adj. 剥去的 v. 剥夺(strip的过去分词形式)

dagger ['dægə]


n. 短剑,匕首

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

grave [greiv]


n. 坟墓,墓穴
adj. 严肃的,严重的,庄

needle ['ni:dl]


n. 针
vt. 用针缝,激怒,嘲弄

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

oak [əuk]


n. 橡树,橡木

shiver ['ʃivə]


vt. 颤动(碎裂)
n. 冷颤(碎块)





