The man I heard it from, he saw it himself. A wolf big as a horse, he swore.
Swearing don't make it true, Hod, the innkeeper said. "You keep swearing you'll pay what you owe me, and I've yet to see a copper." The common room erupted in laughter, and the man with the yellow hair turned red.
It's been a bad year for wolves, volunteered a sallow man in a travelstained green cloak. "Around the Gods Eye, the packs have grown bolder'n anyone can remember. Sheep, cows, dogs, makes no difference, they kill as they like, and they got no fear of men. It's worth your life to go into those woods by night."

Ah, that's more tales, and no more true than the other.
I heard the same thing from my cousin, and she's not the sort to lie, an old woman said. "She says there's this great pack, hundreds of them, mankillers. The one that leads them is a she-wolf, a bitch from the seventh hell."
A she-wolf. Arya sloshed her beer, wondering. Was the Gods Eye near the Trident? She wished she had a map. It had been near the Trident that she'd left Nymeria. She hadn't wanted to, but Jory said they had no choice, that if the wolf came back with them she'd be killed for biting Joffrey, even though he'd deserved it.