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英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第845期:英国奇趣童书《小淘气威廉》

来源:可可英语 编辑:hepburn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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It was a half-holiday and William was in his bedroom making careful preparations for meeting his fellow outlaws, as they called themselves, in the afternoon. He and the other outlaws would always meet up during half-holidays, to go on adventures and make campfires together near their barn.
“Oh! I’m so glad you’ve come, dear. And is this the baby!” This was William’s mother. “Oh, crumbs!” said William and retreated hastily. He sat down on his bed to wait till the coast was clear. Soon came the sound of footsteps ascending the stairs. “Oh, William,” said his mother, as she entered his room, “Mrs. Butler’s come with her baby to spend the afternoon, and we’d arranged to go out till tea-time with the baby, but she’s got such a headache, I’m insisting on her lying down for the afternoon in the drawing-room. But she’s so worried about the baby not getting out this nice afternoon.”
“Oh!” said William, without interest. “I told Mrs. Butler I was sure you wouldn’t mind taking the baby out for a bit in the perambulator!” William stared at her, speechless. “Me?” he said. “Me? Me take a baby out in a pram?” “Now, William, I’m sure you’d like to help, and I’m sure you wouldn’t like your father to hear that you wouldn’t even do a little thing like that for poor Mrs. Butler. And she’s got such a headache.” “All right,” he muttered, “I’ll be down in a minute.”
He heard them fussing over the baby in the hall. “Here he is, dear, all ready for you, and you needn’t go far away—just up and down the road, if you like, but stay out till tea-time. He’s a dear little baby, isn’t he? And isn’t it a nice Willy-Billy den, to take it out a nice ta-ta, while it’s mummy goes bye-byes, den?” William blushed for pure shame.
他听到大人们在大厅里手忙脚乱地摆弄着婴儿。 “准备好了,亲爱的,你不需要带他去太远的地方——就推着婴儿车随便在路上走来走去就行,但要到下午茶时间再回来。小宝贝很可爱,不是吗?而且天气很不错,带小家伙出去好好玩玩儿,让他离开妈妈一会儿,怎么样?”威廉的脸红了,这脸红纯粹是因为觉得很丢人。
He pushed the pram down to the end of the road and round the corner. “A nice way for an Outlaw to spend the afternoon!” He thought to himself. “Blab—blab—blab—blab—blub—blub—blub!” The baby said. “Oh, you shut up!” said William crushingly. Suddenly a Great Idea came to him.
He went to the barn where he’d always meet his fellow outlaws, and entered with the baby in his arms. He was greeted by a sudden silence. “It’s a kidnap,” said William, triumphantly. “We’ll get a ransom on it.” They gazed at him in awed admiration. This was surely the cream of outlawry. “Dad—dad—dad—dad—dad!” Douglas, the tallest boy, grinned sheepishly. “It thinks I’m its father,” he explained complacently to the company.

“What do we do first? That’s the question.” “In books,” said the outlaw called Ginger, “they write a note to its people and say they want a ransom.” “We won’t do that—not just yet,” said William hastily. “Why not?” said Ginger. “Who’s got a paper and pencil? I’m simply statin’ a fact. Who’s got a paper and pencil?” No one spoke. “Oh, yes!” went on William in triumph. “Go on! Write a note. Write a note without paper and pencil, and we’ll all watch. Huh!”
“Well,” said Ginger sulkily, “I don’t s’pose they had paper and pencils in outlaw days. They weren’t invented. They wrote on—on—on leaves or something,” he ended vaguely. “Well, go on. Write on leaves,” said William still more triumphant. “We’re not stoppin’ you are we? I’m simply statin’ a fact. Write on leaves.”
They were interrupted by a yell of pain from Douglas. With vague memories of his mother’s treatment of infants, he had inserted a finger in its mouth. The infant happened to possess four front teeth, two upper and two lower, and they closed like a vice upon Douglas’ finger. He was now examining the marks.
“Look! Right deep down! See it? Wotcher think of that! Nearly to the bone! Pretty savage baby you’ve brought along,” he said to William. “Anyway, what have we brought for the feast?” William produced liquorice water and half a cake, Douglas two slices of raw ham and a dog biscuit, Ginger some popcorn and some cold boiled potatoes wrapped up in newspaper, Henry a cold apple dumpling and a small bottle of paraffin-oil. “Let’s put them on the floor here”, said Ginger, and go out for adventures first. Back in a quarter of an hour for the feast.”
They came back in 15 minutes, opened the door of the barn and went in. The infant was sitting on the floor among the stores, or rather among what was left of them. There was paraffin-oil on its hair, face, arms, frock and feet. It was drenched in paraffin-oil. The empty bottle and its hat lay by its side. Mingled with the paraffin-oil all over its person was cold boiled potato. It was holding the apple-dumpling in its hand.
“Ball!” it announced ecstatically from behind its mask of potato and paraffin-oil. They stood in silence for a minute. There was no doubt that when William condescended to adopt a phrase from any of his family’s vocabularies, he considerably overworked it. “Well, it did it itself. It’s no one else’s fault, is it?” “No, it’s not,” said William. “But that’s the sort of thing folks never see. Anyway, I’m goin’ to wash its face.” “What with?” William took out his grimy handkerchief and advanced upon his prey. His bottle of liquorice water was lying untouched in the corner. He took out the cork.
William started passing his handkerchief, moistened with liquorice water, over the surface of the baby’s face. The baby had caught a corner of it firmly between its teeth and refused to release it. “If you’d got to take this baby home like this,” he said, “you wouldn’t be thinking much about drinking liquorice water. I’m simply statin’——” “Oh, shut up saying that!” said Ginger in sudden exasperation. “I’m sick of it.” For many years afterwards William associated babies in his mind with paraffin-oil and potato. “Just help me get the potato out of its hair,” he pleaded; “never mind the oil and the rest of it.” “Doesn’t it look funny—all oil and potato and bits of cake!” said Ginger. “Oh! shut up about it,” said William irritably.
Douglas placed the baby in its seat and William thoughtfully put up the hood to shield his charge as far as possible from the curious gaze of the passers-by. With a “heart steeled for any fate” William turned the corner into his own road. The baby’s mother was standing at his gate. “There you are!” she called. “I was getting quite anxious. Thank you so much, dear.”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
ransom ['rænsəm]


n. 赎金,赎身,赎回

interrupted [intə'rʌptid]


adj. 中断的;被打断的;不规则的 vt. 打断;中断

adopt [ə'dɔpt]


v. 采用,收养,接受

prey [prei]


n. 被掠食者,牺牲者
vi. 捕食,掠夺,使

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

triumph ['traiəmf]


n. 凯旋,欢欣
vi. 得胜,成功,庆功

phrase [freiz]


n. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句
vt. 措词

shield ['ʃi:ld]


n. 盾,防卫物,盾状物
vt. 保护,遮蔽

fault [fɔ:lt]


n. 缺点,过失,故障,毛病,过错,[地]断层

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟





