1. named for/after 以……命名
Eagle Mountain was named for the eagles that nest there.
老鹰山得名于山上的老鹰 。
2. What to make of sth. 如何理解
What are we to make of all this? Well, you could say that it demonstrates how cynical the media and society as a whole have become.
对此我们应该怎样看待?好吧,你可以说这证明了媒体与社会是多么地愤世嫉俗 。
3. push for 推动
Oman stands ready to make efforts to push for continuous development of cooperative relations between all the GCC countries and China.
阿曼愿为推动海湾合作委员会各国与中国的合作关系不断发展而努力 。
4. have an affinity for 喜欢
Love needs to character equality and individual independence, mutual respect, have an affinity for each other as the foundation.
恋爱需求以人格对等、个性自力、相互尊重、彼此情投意合为根底 。
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