1.broke up 分手;结束
She just broke up with her boyfriend.
她刚刚和他男朋友分手 。
2.get over 克服;恢复
Eating can actually help you get over the flu quicker and make you feel better.
事实上,吃东西能帮你更快克服流感,让你感觉好受些 。
3.As far as I’m concerned 对我来说
As far as I'm concerned, he should have the Congressional Medal of Honor.
我看,为了他的英雄事迹,他应该获得国会荣誉勋章 。
4.be done with 受够了
I've found he lied to me, so I've decided to have done with him.
我发觉他对我说慌,因此决定同他断绝关系 。