Theresa May's Brexit deal suffered a crushing defeat in the British Parliament. Leavers who think the deal does not go far enough in disentangling Britain from the European Union joined Remainers in voting against the government by a majority of 230, the largest defeat of a government on record. Hoping to trigger an election that it thinks it can win, the opposition Labour Party called for a motion of no confidence in the government, which it survived as Tory rebels returned to the fold. Mrs May will have to return to Parliament with a new Brexit blueprint on January 21st.
特蕾莎·梅(Theresa May)的退欧协议在英国议会遭遇惨败。脱欧派认为,该协议在让英国脱离欧盟方面做得还不够充分,他们与留欧派一道,以230票的多数投票否决了梅政府,这是有记录以来英国政府遭遇的最大挫败。反对党工党(Labour Party)希望能触发一场其认为能够胜出的大选,因此要求对政府发起不信任动议。随着保守党的“叛变”议员重新加入该党,工党挺了过来。梅将不得不在1月21日带着新的脱欧协议重返议会。

Macedonia's parliament voted to approve the change of the country's name to North Macedonia, part of a deal that is meant to see Greece lift its opposition to the country's membership of the EU and NATO. The agreement still needs to be approved by Greece. The odds for that improved after the prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, narrowly saw off a vote of no confidence.
马其顿议会投票通过将国家名称更名为”北马其顿共和国“,这是一项协议的一部分,该协议旨在让希腊撤回对该国加入欧盟和北约的反对。该协议仍需得到希腊的批准。在希腊总理亚历克西斯·齐普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)以微弱优势击败不信任投票后,这种可能性有所提高。
The mayor of Gdansk, Poland's sixth-largest city, was murdered by a knife-wielding assailant in front of a horrified crowd at a charity event. Pawel Adamowicz had been one of the country's most prominent liberals.
波兰第六大城市格但斯克市长出席一场慈善活动时被一名持刀歹徒当场杀害。帕维尔·阿莫维奇(Pawel Adamowicz)曾是美国最著名的自由主义者之一。
The rambling man
Nicolás Maduro was sworn in for a second term as Venezuela's president. In a speech that lasted nearly four hours, Mr Maduro promised to quadruple the monthly minimum wage, which would bring it to $7 at black-market rates, and said the distressed economy would boom. Agents of the country's intelligence service briefly detained the newly elected speaker of the opposition-controlled national assembly as well as two journalists. The national assembly declared Mr Maduro a “usurper”.
Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil's far-right president, signed a decree that eases gun-control laws. Brazilians without a criminal record will be able to buy guns more easily and to keep them at home. Mr Bolsonaro said the measure would give Brazilians a “legitimate right of defence”. In 2017 the number of murders in Brazil reached a record of nearly 64,000.
巴西极右派总统雅伊尔·博尔索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)签署了一项法令,放宽了枪支管制。无犯罪记录的巴西公民可以更容易地购买枪支并放在家中保管。博尔索纳罗表示,该措施将赋予巴西人“合法的防卫权”。2017年,巴西的谋杀案达到近6.4万起的记录。

Upping the ante
A court in northern China sentenced a Canadian to death for smuggling drugs. Canada's prime minister, Justin Trudeau, said this was a matter of “extreme concern” and accused China of “arbitrarily” imposing the death penalty. Relations between the two countries have been tense since Canada's detention in December of a senior Chinese executive of Huawei, a technology company.
China approved the building of a large new dam on the Jinsha river, as the upper stretch of the Yangzi is known. The Lawa hydroelectric project, on the border between Sichuan and Tibet, is expected to cost more than 30bn yuan ($4.6bn) and have a total capacity of two gigawatts.
Thai officials said that a long-awaited election to restore democracy, scheduled for February 24th, would be pushed back again. But the prime minister and leader of the country's military junta promised that the ballot would take place before May.