He misses her still, Ser Brynden answered. "You have her face. I can see it in your cheekbones, and your jaw..."
You remember more of her than I do. It has been a long time. She seated herself on the bed and brushed away a strand of fine white hair that had fallen across her father's face.
Each time I ride out, I wonder if I shall find him alive or dead on my return. Despite their quarrels, there was a deep bond between her father and the brother he had once disowned.
At least you made your peace with him.
They sat for a time in silence, until Catelyn raised her head. "You spoke of tidings that Robb needed to hear?" Lord Hoster moaned and rolled onto his side, almost as if he had heard.

Brynden stood. "Come outside. Best if we do not wake him."
She followed him out onto the stone balcony that jutted three-sided from the solar like the prow of a ship. Her uncle glanced up, frowning. "You can see it by day now. My men call it the Red Messenger... but what is the message?"
Catelyn raised her eyes, to where the faint red line of the comet traced a path across the deep blue sky like a long scratch across the face of god. "The Greatjon told Robb that the old gods have unfurled a red flag of vengeance for Ned. Edmure thinks it's an omen of victory for Riverrun, he sees a fish with a long tail, in the Tully colors, red against blue."