原味人文风情:Don't look at her or speak to her. She isn't human.
Hey! I'm Sapphire. Wanna hear something scary?
嘿!我是 Sapphire。要不要听个鬼故事呀?
We live in the age of information. Answers to everything and anything are available to us in an instant.
And yet, there are still so many things in this universe that cannot be explained.
In these next few chapters, I'll be sharing the most puzzling, creepiest, unexplainable events
that really happened, from unsolved crimes to common paranormal experiences.
Our first story is about a young woman who checked into the Cecil Hotel and never checked out.
The Cecil Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles has been around since 1927. And since its doors have opened, it has had a very dark history.
位在洛杉矶市中心的塞西尔饭店于1927 年开幕。自从它开张以来,就一路留下黑暗的历史。
At one point, it housed famed serial killer, Richard Ramirez, who murdered his victims in his hotel room.
有一次,恶名昭彰的连续杀人犯 Richard Ramirez 投宿赛西尔饭店,在房间里杀了被害人。
There've also been numerous incidents of guests jumping out windows, and other unsolved deaths—just like the one I'm about to tell you.
In January of 2013, a young woman named Elisa Lam flew to Los Angeles from Canada and checked into the Cecil Hotel.
在 2013 年 1 月,一位年轻女子蓝可儿从加拿大飞到洛杉矶,并下榻赛西尔饭店。
She was first placed in a hostel-style room, where she shared with another guest. But after two days, the front desk got a call.
"Hi, I'd like to make a complaint. The woman I'm sharing a room with is acting very odd. I don't feel comfortable. Is there any way you can move her?"
So Elisa was moved to a room of her own, and that was the last time anyone saw her.
During her trip, she kept in frequent touch with her parents back home.

But when they didn't hear from when she was supposed to be leaving Los Angeles, they became worried and called the LAPD.
Around the same time, the front desk kept getting more complaints. "The water pressure in the shower is so low!" "The tap water is all black!"
So a hotel staff member went up on the roof to inspect the water tanks. He noticed that one of them was open.
He looked inside, and that's when he found Elisa floating in the tank.
To this day, nobody knows how she got in there undetected. But there are a lot of theories.
See, Elisa had bipolar disorder and depression and was on prescription medication to help keep her in balance.
She kept a blog where she wrote about her struggles with her illness and seemed to be very open about it.
The most logical conclusion is that Elisa was off the medication, broke from reality, and drowned herself in the water tank.
Another theory is that she was playing the elevator game.
The elevator game is a ritual that originated on a Korean website.
When performed properly, you can supposedly be transported to another dimension.
In order to play, you need a building that has at least 10 levels. It's best played at night since you need to be completely alone.
You enter the elevator and go to different floors in a particular order. Once you reach the fifth floor, a woman will get on with you.
Whatever you do, don't look at her or speak to her. She isn't human.
When you reach the 10th floor, you exit the elevator and enter a new dimension. You will still be in the hotel, but only you exist.
Be careful, in this dimension, your cell phone won't work, and you may feel disoriented, and even faint.
If you wake up without taking the proper steps to come back to our world, strange things may happen.
So, what does the elevator game have to do with Elisa Lam?
After news spread of her bizarre death, a surveillance video from one of the hotel elevators went viral.
It showed Elisa acting very oddly in an elevator, pressing random buttons, talking to seemingly nobody. Was she playing the elevator game?
The Cecil Hotel has since rebranded itself to Stay on Main. They can change their signs, but they can never change what happened within its walls.
So, what do you think happened to Elisa? Is there a reasonable explanation, or did something more paranormal occur? Let me know in the comments.
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如果这部影片有让你毛骨悚然,就帮我按个赞,也别忘了订阅 Snarled 频道,看看我们的其他影片。
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Until next time, sweet dreams.