Apple recently released the brand new version of their AirPods and many are saying they look quite similar to the first version.
Gizmodo reports there are a few upgrades such as the new AirPods have a new H1 chip created by Apple specifically for wireless headphones that's meant to give users more talk time, better connectivity, and the ability to beckon Siri just by saying "Hey Siri."
据“Gizmodo”报道,新版AirPods进行了一些升级,例如它内含苹果专门为无线耳机打造的全新H1芯片,目的是让用户有更长的通话时间、更好的连通性以及只需说声“嘿 Siri”就能召唤Siri的能力。

The headphones cost $160 and there is also the option to add a wireless charging case for an extra $40.
They're available for purchase online now and will be in stores next week.
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