Others were more oblique. “I don’t see anyone out there at the moment…the man who can beat Trump or the woman who can beat Trump,” white working-class balladeer Bruce Springsteen told The Sunday Times. “You need someone who can speak some of the same language [as Trump]…and the Democrats don’t have an obvious, effective presidential candidate.”
其他人则更为隐晦。“我现在没看到任何人能打败特朗普,不管是男性还是女性,” 白人工人阶级民谣歌手布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀在接受《星期日泰晤士报》采访时表示。“你需要一个能有共同语言的人(比如特朗普……)民主党也没有一个明显有效的候选人。”
When former Vice President Joe Biden’s supporters suggest that he is the only possible contender who can break through Trump’s white wall, they are thinking the same thing. And while Biden hasn’t announced it, his inner circle leaked in January that Biden believed he hadn’t seen “the candidate who can clearly do what has to be done to win.”
This assessment, of course, comes as news to the most diverse slate of candidates the party has ever seen. “It’s pretty insulting to white people,” Senator Kamala Harris of California told Vanity Fair. “People seem to have a need to fit others into these discrete, neat compartments of their brains. It undervalues the intelligence of the American people. It’s really a mistake to assume, based on a person’s race or gender, that they only care about certain issues to the exclusion of other issues.”
Democrats point out that Obama won two terms in the White House with the help of whites in the industrial Midwest. Then again, 2012 Republican opponent Mitt Romney didn’t run a race-based campaign; both candidates largely argued over the economy. With Trump, race is always front and center, as he appeals to voters’ sense of white identity, grievance and resentment. He aims immigration at poorer whites as a class-based wedge issue too.
“Wealthy politicians and donors push for open borders while living their lives behind walls, and gates, and guards,” Trump said in his State of the Union address. “Meanwhile, working-class Americans are left to pay the price for mass illegal immigration: reduced jobs, lower wages, overburdened schools, hospitals that are so crowded that you can’t get in, increased crime and a depleted social safety net.”

That talk resonates with voters like Eric Ash, the Democrat turned Republican pastor of Mount Olive Evangelical Lutheran Church in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, which is part of a swing congressional district. Like many of the people in the fading steel towns west of Pittsburgh, he voted for Obama in 2008. Later, he changed his registration and cast a ballot for Trump in 2016—mainly, he says, because of his concerns about legal abortion. That support helped give the real estate mogul the kind of lopsided, double-digit margins that won Pennsylvania for him (Romney won Beaver County in 2012, but by only 6.5 points).