1. lodge charges against sb.针对某人提出(诉讼;投诉等)
I'm a signed to come here to settle the claim you lodged against us for our shipping wrong goods.
我是被派来处理你们就我方发错货物所提出的索赔要求的 。
2. railing against 抨击;反对
Railing against Washington's supposed love of military meddling abroad plays well with the ordinary Russians, Mr Putin's main constituency.
在世人眼里,美国对海外军事干预一贯热爱有加,而抨击这种行为在普京的主要支持者——俄罗斯老百姓中间很有市场 。
3. bear sth. out 佐证;支持
The evidence so far simply does not bear him out.
目前掌握的证据根本就佐证不了他的说法 。
4.the status quo 现状
This strategy is one way of beginning to put Asia back in balance as China changes the status quo.
随着中国正在改变地区现状,本战略是重新平衡亚洲势力的一种办法 。
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