If truth be told, the miners have it worse than either, breaking their backs down in the dark, and for what? Iron, lead, tin, those are our treasures. Small wonder the ironmen of old turned to raiding."
The stupid girl did not seem to be listening. "I could go ashore with you," she said. "I would, if it please you..."
You could go ashore, Theon agreed, squeezing her breast, "but not with me, I fear."
I'd work in your castle, milord. I can clean fish and bake bread and churn butter. Father says my peppercrab stew is the best he's ever tasted. You could find me a place in your kitchens and I could make you peppercrab stew.

And warm my bed by night? He reached for the laces of her bodice and began to undo them, his fingers deft and practiced. "Once I might have carried you home as a prize, and kept you to wife whether you willed it or no. The ironmen of old did such things. A man had his rock wife, his true bride, ironborn like himself, but he had his salt wives too, women captured on raids."
The girl's eyes grew wide, and not because he had bared her breasts. "I would be your salt wife, milord."
I fear those days are gone. Theon's finger circled one heavy teat, spiraling in toward the fat brown nipple.