SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket took off on its first commercial flight on Thursday.
According to Business Insider, all of the boosters returned to Earth safely after the rocket's flight, but one booster toppled over after landing on a platform out at sea.
据“Business Insider”报道,该火箭起飞后,所有的助推器都安全地返回地球,但其中一个推动器在降落在海面上的平台后倾倒了。

SpaceX told The Verge, "While we had hoped to bring the booster back intact, the safety of our team always takes precedence. We do not expect future missions to be impacted."
“SpaceX”告诉“The Verge”:“虽然我们希望把助推器完整地带回来,但回收团队人员的安全始终是头等大事。我们预计今后的任务不会受到影响”。
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