The Lordsport men gazed on Theon with blank, bovine eyes, and he realized that they did not know who he was. It made him angry. He pressed a golden dragon into the captain's palm. "Have your men bring my things." Without waiting for a reply, he strode down the gangplank. "Innkeeper," he barked, "I require a horse."
As you say, m'lord, the man responded, without so much as a bow. He had forgotten how bold the ironborn could be. "Happens as I have one might do. Where would you be riding, m'lord?"
Pyke. The fool still did not know him. He should have worn his good doublet, with the kraken embroidered on the breast.

You'll want to be off soon, to reach Pyke afore dark, the innkeeper said. "My boy will go with you and show you the way."
Your boy will not be needed, a deep voice called, "nor your horse. I shall see my nephew back to his father's house."
The speaker was the priest he had seen leading the horses along the shoreline. As the man approached, the smallfolk bent the knee, and Theon heard the innkeeper murmur, "Damphair."
Tall and thin, with fierce black eyes and a beak of a nose, the priest was garbed in mottled robes of green and grey and blue, the swirling colors of the Drowned God.