1. beset by 为……困扰
He may be beset by ethical problems, whether over campaign finance or Whitewater indictments, even conceivably of his wife.
无论是在竞选捐款丑闻上还是白水门事件上,甚至是他妻子的信誉一事上,他都可能会被道德问题困扰 。
2. looming questions 迫在眉睫的问题
Finally, as with other medications, the looming question is that of globalization.
最后,与其他药物一样,迫在眉睫的问题是怎么把药物全球化 。
3. jab at 猛戳;猛击
Don't jab at the cat!
4. catch on 流行;变得受欢迎
He invented a type of virtual reality helmet, but it never caught on.
他发明过一款虚拟现实头盔,但始终都没流行起来 。
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