But as much as you humans love me, you're not nearly the first species to clamor for my substantial flesh.
Millennia ago in my native southern Mexico and Central America, there existed beasts with digestive systems large enough to process and then disperse my massive pit.
These were the so-called megafauna: sloths that could reach ten feet tall;
armadillo-like glyptodons that were as big as small cars; and gomphotheres, cousins of the elephant, with their ginormous tusks.
Historians and botanists don't know exactly which of these snacked on me,
but they all would have been able to pop me into their mouths like peanuts, then poop out my pits far and wide for new trees to grow.

Without them to spread my unusually large seed, my creamy green gift would have been little more than a weird and momentary blip in fruit's sugary history.
Fast-forward to about 13,000 years ago, when humans came along and hunted my behemoth patrons into extinction.
That would have been the end of me, too, had people not decided that they also loved a dose of plant-based fat.
While human digestion can't accommodate my pit, your hands can,
and I was able to achieve even wider distribution via the thumb-carrying Homo sapiens who ate me and tossed my seed here and there.
One last word—of caution. There has been a spate of "avocado hand,"
which is what happens when well-meaning guac makers whack their knives at my pit in hopes of dislodging it but instead find themselves with a blade in the palm.
ER doctors report an increase in such incidents and strongly advise caution when preparing me.
Please listen to them. My reputation for being both healthy and rich gets dinged when I bite the hand that breeds me.