One: Winterproof Your Boots. Give your winter boots and other shoes a good coating of WD-40, which will stop water from seeping through to your feet.
WD-40 can also remove ugly salt stains from leather shoes during the winter. Just spray onto the stains and wipe with a clean rag.
Two: Brew Your Tea Cold. Tea is full of antioxidants, which boost your immune system.
Instead of sipping a hot mugful, Michael Greger, MD, author of The How Not to Die Cookbook,
suggests brewing it cold: Antioxidant levels are higher than when tea is made with boiling water.
Three: Keep Your Dog from Getting the Flu. Like any other member of your family, your pooch is susceptible to the sniffles.

Ask your vet about getting your dog the canine influenza vaccine.
If your pup is unvaccinated, avoid dog parks, groomers, and doggy day cares or boarding facilities.
Four: Remember Where You Parked. Once you've pulled into your spot, open the Google Maps app on your phone and tap your location (marked by the blue dot).
Choose Set As Parking Location, and the address will become a plot on the map marked by a P. You'll never lose your car again—as long as you don't lose your phone.
Five: Get Free Tax Help. If you or someone in your life needs help filling out and filing tax forms, you might be in luck.
The Tax Counseling for the Elderly program offers assistance to individuals 60 years and older, while Volunteer Income Tax Assistance is open to people who generally make $54,000 or less.
With both programs, IRS-certified volunteers are available to help you prepare your taxes for free. To learn more, go to