1. trying and failing to 努力……却未能如愿
Now, he is trying and failingto settle down.
现在他努力想稳定下来,却未能如愿 。
2. factions of 不同派系
Disputes between different factions of the party finally led to its fall.
党内派系的纷争最终让该党走向了瓦解 。
3. in a state of 处于……的状态
The country was in a state of siege, and tanks were lined up in front of the Presidential palace.
那个国家正遭到围攻,坦克都已经开到了总统府的门口 。
4. at best 充其量;最多
A piece of steak was such a little thing, a few pennies at best; yet it meant thirty quid to him.
区区一块牛排,最多不过几个便士,然而对他来说,却相当于三十英镑 。
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