Since Donald Trump announced his presidential candidacy in June of 2015, his position in the polls has skyrocketed. Many data analysts and journalists predicted that Trump's lead within the GOP would collapse sooner or later, but in fact, the opposite has been true. In Mid-July, Trump surpassed Jeb Bush in average polling at about 15%, as reported by Real Clear Politics. By the first Iowa caucus in February 2016, he had shot up to 35%.
自唐纳德·特朗普于2015年6月宣布成为总统候选人以来,他在民意调查中的地位一路飙升。许多数据分析人士和记者预测,特朗普在共和党内的领先优势迟早会崩溃,但事实上,结果正好相反。据Real Clear Politics报道,7月中旬,特朗普的平均得票率约为15%,超过杰布·布什。到2016年2月首次爱荷华州党团会议时,他的支持率高达35%。
Despite being repeatedly demonized in the media for xenophobic and inflammatory comments, some are saying that the media is at fault. So, is the media responsible for the rise of Donald Trump?
Well, there is little debate that Trump's campaign has been incredibly noteworthy for its relationship with the media. Although incendiary rhetoric is nothing new for political candidates, Trump has managed to repeatedly provoke mainstream media outlets, calling them "dishonest" and "scum". But at the same time, it has been clear that news organizations can only thrive when they have high ratings and high readership, and candidates like Trump have led to exactly that.

When Trump dropped out of the Republican debate in late January, the debate reached roughly 12.5 million viewers. By comparison, the first debate in August, while Trump polled around 25%, reached twice as many viewers. The Huffington Post even announced that they would categorize Trump coverage as entertainment in July, but they reversed their decision in December.
It appears that Trump is adept at garnering media coverage. According to the Tyndall Report, in 2015, Trump's campaign received nearly five and a half hours of coverage alone on NBC, CBS, and ABC's nightly newscasts. By comparison, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, and Marco Rubio received a little over two hours combined.