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BBC环球慢速英语 第487期:不丹——幸福的国度(9)

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • In time Mark recovered from his sickness.
  • 一段时间之后,马克从疾病中康复。
  • And today he teaches other people to care for their whole selves. He says,
  • 现在他教导其他人关心整个自我。他说,
  • "Look at the Bible. It is God's guide as to how to live a healthy life.
  • “看看《圣经》。上帝指引我们如何过健康的生活。
  • Christian teaching says that we are made up of three parts - body, mind and spirit.
  • 基督教教义写道,我们由三部分组成,分别是身体、大脑和精神。
  • For a balanced and happy life we need an understanding of all three parts.
  • 为了过平衡且幸福的生活,我们需要全面理解这三个部分。
  • All the money in the world cannot buy inner spiritual peace.
  • 世界上的所有钱都买不到内在的精神安宁。
  • That is something that God freely gives to those who love and trust him.
  • 这是上帝无私地赋予那些热爱且相信他的教徒的东西。
  • So my advice is - take it and enjoy it."
  • 因此,我的建议是:接受并享受吧。”


Voice 2: In time Mark recovered from his sickness. And today he teaches other people to care for their whole selves. He says,

Voice 4: "Look at the Bible. It is Gods guide as to how to live a healthy life. Christian teaching says that we are made up of three parts - body, mind and spirit. For a balanced and happy life we need an understanding of all three parts. All the money in the world cannot buy inner spiritual peace. That is something that God freely gives to those who love and trust him. So my advice is - take it and enjoy it."





