With a few seconds to go in the women’s 800 meters, the group of athletes was tightly packed.
Then on the final straightaway, Caster Semenya broke away, to win gold in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.
Three years later, the South African runner was at a court appealing a ban that could keep her from defending her title at the next Olympics.
She wasn’t being banned because she cheated, but because sports officials had decided that she no longer qualified as a female athlete.
"So effectively you’re saying to her: you no longer belong in sport!"
"I cannot stop because of people say, ‘Nooo! She looks like a man!’ "
"Is the new world champion of the women’s 800 meter race, really a woman at all?”
"There is no, you know, scientific, you know, test or anything that can define a human."
"there will be two X chromosomes."
"We have drawn the line between women’s and men’s sport."
"Being who we are so that we can be the best that we can be."
"Such allegations, if I may say, they are not my business. You understand? So for me, they do their job.
I do my job. I do me. They do them.
From the start, Semenya’s career has been defined by two things.
"Brilliant run for the South African!"
winning races and defending her identity as a female athlete.
"and she’s breaking away!"
Back in 2009, she won the 800 meter world championship.
Semenya looks over her shoulder and she’s away!
But soon after her victory, sports authorities began questioning whether she was, in fact, a woman.
"well that smashes the world list!"
"They are looking for proof that South Africa’s golden girl is not a boy."
"There is doubt about the fact that this person is a lady is a woman."
In South Africa her win was celebrated.
"She is a female. She won!"
But the top governing body for athletics, The IAAF, selected Semenya for testing to determine whether she is female.
Most recently, their criteria for female competitors has been testosterone: a hormone produced by both men and women.
Semenya has naturally high levels of testosterone
and the IAAF claims that there is a significant connection between high testosterone and athletic performance.
But it's more complicated than that.
"Testosterone is related to lean body mass and building of muscle.
But it's not the only thing that contributes to that."

This is Katrina Karkazis, is a bioethicist who advocates on behalf of athletes like Semenya.
Testosterone is not the only factor that is important for an individual's athletic performance.
There are not only other physiological factors: that could be V02 max, heart size, any number of things.
But there are factors that don’t have to do with someone’s physiology.
Factors like nutrition, coaching, and equipment all play into an athlete’s performance.
So it’s unclear how testosterone can be singled out as the defining factor.
But there’s another way to think about eliminating female athletes based on testosterone.
Like many Olympians, Semenya’s body has natural advantages that can help her perform.
"Michael Phelps stands 6' 4."
For swimmer Michael Phelps, it was a long torso, wide feet, and other features glorified in Olympic promos.
"his size 14 feet might as well be flippers!"
But unlike Phelps, Semenya is being penalized for a naturally occurring hormone.
That’s because sports officials don’t divide athletics by the size of your hand, or your foot, but they do draw a line between men and women.
The problem is, the criteria that’s used to draw that line and it’s always been problematic.
Charlotte Cooper won gold in 1900, the first year women were included at the Olympics.
Since then, more and more women have competed and stood on Olympic podiums.
But by the 1960s, officials became skeptical that successful female athletes might actually be men disguised as women.
Polish sprinter Ewa Klobukowska, for example, had won bronze running the women’s 100 meters at the 1964 Olympics.
A few years later, officials made sex testing mandatory for female athletes at the 1966 European Track and Field Championships
and Klobukowska was forced to undergo inspection.
She was physically examined in what was called a "nude parade":
where female athletes were examined by a panel of doctors who would inspect their genitals to confirm their sex.
Klobukowska passed her test and qualified as female in 1966,
but the next year officials replaced physical exams with chromosomal testing, meaning she would have to be tested all over again.
Old sex ed films taught that a chromosome pairing of XX from a mother and father means a child will be female.
"and this always means a girl."
And an XY pairing will create a male.
"that’s right, a boy!"