Big Walder's quarterings were the tree-and-ravens of House Blackwood and the twining snakes of the Paeges. They must be hungry for honor, Bran thought as he watched them take up their lances. A Stark needs only the direwolf.
Their dappled grey coursers were swift, strong, and beautifully trained. Side by side they charged the quintains. Both hit the shields cleanly and were well past before the padded butts came spinning around. Little Walder struck the harder blow, but Bran thought Big Walder sat his horse better. He would have given both his useless legs for the chance to ride against either.

Little Walder cast his splintered lance aside, spied Bran, and reined up. "Now there's an ugly horse," he said of Hodor.
Hodor's no horse, Bran said.
Hodor, said Hodor.
Big Walder trotted up to join his cousin. "Well, he's not as smart as a horse, that's for certain." A few of the White Harbor lads poked each other and laughed.
Hodor. Beaming genially, Hodor looked from one Frey to the other, oblivious to their taunting. "Hodor hodor?"
Little Walder's mount whickered. "See, they're talking to each other. Maybe hodor means 'I love you' in horse."
You shut up, Frey. Bran could feel his color rising.