India’s Hindu-nationalist government unexpectedly ended the autonomy granted to Indian-administered Kashmir, splitting it in two, putting local party leaders under house arrest and ordering non-residents, including tourists, to leave. The government poured another 25,000 troops into the region. Pakistan said the move was illegal. Relations between the two countries were already fraught because of an attack by Pakistani-based jihadists on Indian troops in Kashmir six months ago.
The Taliban started a fresh round of talks with America’s envoy for Afghanistan. The talks, held in Qatar, are aiming for a deal under which America will withdraw its troops from Afghanistan, but only if the Taliban starts negotiations with the government in Kabul. As they were talking, the Taliban claimed responsibility for a bomb that killed 14 people and wounded 145 in Kabul.

The Philippines declared a national dengue epidemic. At least 146,000 cases were recorded from January to July, double the number in the same period last year. More than 620 people have died.
New Zealand’s government introduced a bill to decriminalise abortion and allow women to seek the procedure up to 20 weeks into a pregnancy. At present a woman has to get permission for an abortion, and may have one only if her pregnancy endangers her physical or mental health. New Zealand’s abortion rate is nevertheless higher than in most European countries.
Would you please just go
America imposed a complete economic embargo on the government of Venezuela, freezing all its assets and threatening sanctions against firms that do business with it, unless they have an exemption. The move steps up the pressure on Nicolás Maduro’s socialist regime. America, along with 50-odd other countries, recognises Juan Guaidó, the opposition leader, as Venezuela’s president, though Mr Maduro is still supported by China and Russia.
美国对委内瑞拉政府实施了全面的经济禁运,冻结了其所有资产,并威胁要制裁与该政府有业务往来的公司,有豁免权的公司除外。此举加大了对尼古拉斯·马杜罗社会主义政权的压力。尽管马杜罗仍得到中国和俄罗斯的支持,但美国和其他50多个国家承认反对派领导人胡安·瓜伊多(Juan Guaido)为委内瑞拉总统。
The head of Brazil’s institute for space research was fired after a spat with Jair Bolsonaro, the country’s president, over satellite images that showed a sharp increase in the Amazon’s deforestation. Mr Bolsonaro had questioned the data and said it brought Brazil’s reputation into disrepute.
The latest mass shootings in America elicited more pleas for gun controls. Even some Republicans said they would support “red-flag laws” that would take guns away from those who are a violent risk. The gunman who slaughtered 22 people at a Walmart in heavily Hispanic El Paso was in custody, as police trawled through an anti-immigrant screed he had written. The shooter who murdered nine people, including his sister, in Dayton was killed by police officers on patrol after 30 seconds of mayhem.