America’s immigration agency arrested 680 illegal migrant workers at seven factories in Mississippi. Some were released and told to appear at an immigration court; others were sent to a detention centre in Louisiana. The operation, said to be the biggest of its kind in a single state, had been planned for months.
Donald Trump withdrew his pick of John Ratcliffe as the new director of national intelligence, just days after putting his name forward. Many had criticised the selection, as Mr Ratcliffe’s only credentials seemed to be a staunch defence of Mr Trump at a recent congressional hearing on the Mueller report.
特朗普提名约翰·拉特克利夫(John Ratcliffe)担任国家情报总监,数日后撤回了这一提名。许多人批评了这一提名,因为拉特克利夫唯一的资历似乎是在最近就穆勒报告举行的国会听证会上坚定地为特朗普辩护。
Puerto Rico’s Supreme Court ruled that the appointment of a new governor by Ricardo Rosselló, who was forced from office by street protests, was unconstitutional and he would have to step down. The court sided with the territory’s Senate, which had not been given a vote on the appointment. After the court’s decision Wanda Vázquez was sworn in as governor, though she had said she didn’t want the job.

Tributes were paid to Toni Morrison, the only black woman to have won the Nobel prize for literature, who died aged 88. Ms Morrison’s work was based on narratives about race and slavery.
A car-bomb in central Cairo killed 20 people. Egypt’s government blamed a violent offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood for the blast.
Britain joined an American-led initiative to provide naval protection to ships travelling through the Strait of Hormuz amid heightened tensions with Iran. In July Iran seized a British-flagged oil tanker.
Mozambique’s president signed a peace agreement with the leader of Renamo, a rebel movement. Renamo said it will disarm some 5,000 fighters and peacefully contest elections scheduled to be held in October. It waged a guerrilla war from 1977 to 1992 before laying down its guns, but took up arms again in 2012.
The UN World Food Programme said that 5m people in Zimbabwe—a third of the population—are at risk of starvation. The country was the region’s breadbasket until the government began stealing farms and handing them to ruling-party cronies.
Rounding up the opposition
There were more demonstrations in Moscow against the authorities’ decision to exclude opposition figures from contesting next month’s municipal elections. Hundreds of protesters were arrested, including Lyubov Sobol, one of the leading candidates to have been barred from appearing on the ballot.
莫斯科发生了更多抗议活动,抗议当局将反对派人士排除在下月市政选举之外的决定。数百名抗议者被捕,其中包括被禁止出现在选票上的领先候选人之一柳博夫·索博尔(Lyubov Sobol)。
Italy’s government tightened the laws on dealing with migrants, sharply increasing the fines that can be imposed on ngos that rescue people at sea and bring them to Italy without permission. The government had to present the vote as an issue of confidence, but easily prevailed.
Powered by kerosene in a backpack, Franky Zapata flew across the English Channel on a hoverboard. The French inventor, who demonstrated his device at this year’s Bastille Day parade, took 22 minutes to make the 35km (22-mile) crossing. A handy alternative to the Eurostar when it is next disrupted by weather/strikes/ technical issues.
弗兰基·萨帕塔(Franky Zapata)背包里装着煤油,踩着飞行踏板飞越英吉利海峡。这位法国发明家在今年的巴士底日游行中展示了这一发明,耗时22分钟完成了35公里(22英里)的跨越之行。当欧洲之星再次受到天气/罢工/技术问题的干扰时,这将是不错的出行方式。