The squabble over Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union intensified in Parliament. MPs in the House of Commons defied the government by passing a bill that seeks a delay to Brexit until January 31st if a deal has not been passed in the chamber by October 19th. Boris Johnson purged the 21 MPs who rebelled against him from the Conservative Party, leaving the prime minister in charge of a government 43 short of a working majority. Mr Johnson now wants to hold an election. He has a lead in the polls—but so did Theresa May before a setback at an election in 2017.

In what many considered to be a pre-election giveaway, the government outlined plans to increase spending, which for the first time in 11 years would enlarge the size of the British state relative to GDP. Sajid Javid, the chancellor of the exchequer, said that Britain could “afford to turn the page on austerity”.
英国政府概述了增加财政开支的计划,许多人认为这是大选前的“造势”,这将是英国11年来首次扩大财政开支,使其相对于国内生产总值(gdp)的比例扩大。英国财政大臣萨伊德·贾维德(Sajid Javid)表示,英国“有能力翻过财政紧缩的一页”。
HS2, Britain’s controversial high-speed rail project, faced more delays and an estimate for the final bill soared to £90bn ($110bn), or £260m per mile. The project was planned in two phases and originally costed at £30bn in 2010. The escalating price means hs2 is in danger of being derailed.
Members of the Five Star Movement in Italy voted to accept a new government in coalition with their former enemies, the Democrats, to be headed by the incumbent prime minister, Giuseppe Conte. This means that the plan by the hard-right leader of the Northern League, Matteo Salvini, to force an election has failed, for now.
意大利“五星运动”的成员投票决定接受由现任总理朱塞佩·孔戴领导的新政府,并且与他们以前的敌人民主党联合执政。这意味着北方联盟极右翼领导人马泰奥·萨尔维尼(Matteo Salvini)强迫选举的计划目前以失败告终。
In Germany, the Christian Democrats in Saxony and the Social Democrats in Brandenburg saw off challenges from the hard-right Alternative for Germany in state elections, which means that at the national level, the grand coalition between the cdu and the spd is likely to continue.
在德国,萨克森州的基督教民主联盟和勃兰登堡州的社会民主党在州选举中击败了极右翼的德国另类选择党(Alternative for Germany),这意味着在全国范围内,基民盟和社民党之间的大联盟很可能会继续。
A military judge set January 11th 2021 as the start date for the trial of the five men accused of plotting the 9/11 attacks. The trial, to be held at Guantánamo Bay, may not happen if it is found that the defendants’ statements were extracted under torture. If it does occur Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others will face a court, 20 years after the atrocities.
Thirty-four people died when a fire broke out on a boat chartered for a scuba-diving excursion off the coast of Los Angeles. It was the worst loss of life on a vessel in American waters in four decades.
Zalmay Khalilzad, the diplomat conducting talks with the insurgents of the Taliban regarding an American withdrawal from Afghanistan, declared that the two sides had reached a preliminary deal. The plan is for a quick withdrawal of 5,400 of the 14,000 American troops in the country, followed by the staggered departure of the remainder, provided the Taliban meet certain conditions.