Saudi Arabia sought to assure markets that oil production levels would return to normal within weeks following the attack on two oil facilities, which cut around 5.7m barrels of oil a day from output. Analysts are sceptical that production can recover in such a short timespan. The attack had caused a huge spike in the price of Brent crude.
The Federal Reserve sliced its benchmark interest rate for the second time within two months, by another quarter of a percentage point to a range of between 1.75% and 2%. There has been mounting evidence that uncertainty over trade is starting to drag on the economy, especially manufacturing. But with services flourishing and consumer spending buoyant, two of the Fed’s rate-setters voted against a cut.

Earlier the Fed injected billions of dollars into the financial system because of an unexpected shortfall of cash available to banks, leading to a surge in the “repo rate” for overnight loans. It was the Fed’s first such surprise intervention in money markets since the financial crisis.
The chief economist of the European Central Bank defended its decision to cut interest rates and restart its quantitative-easing scheme amid fierce criticism from Germany and the Netherlands. The ecb reduced its main rate to -0.5%, taking it further into negative territory. Jens Weidmann, the head of Germany’s Bundesbank, said the ecb had overreacted to the euro zone’s slowdown. Bild, a German newspaper, lampooned Mario Draghi, the ecb’s soon-to-retire president, as Count Draghila, lamenting the “horror” for prudent savers who are being sucked dry. Mr Draghi steps down on Halloween.
在德国和荷兰的激烈批评下,欧洲央行(ecb)首席经济学家为其降息并重启量化宽松计划的决定进行了辩护。欧洲央行将其主要利率下调至-0.5%,使其进一步进入负增长。德国央行(Bundesbank)行长延斯·魏德曼(Jens Weidmann)表示,欧洲央行对欧元区经济放缓反应过度。德国《图片报》(Bild)讽刺即将退休的欧洲央行行长马里奥·德拉吉(Mario Draghi)为德拉吉拉伯爵(Count Draghila),为谨慎的储蓄者被吸干的“恐惧”感到惋惜。德拉吉将在万圣节前夕卸任。
Purdue Pharma filed for bankruptcy protection, part of a tentative settlement it has reached with 24 states and thousands of local governments to resolve claims that the aggressive marketing of its OxyContin painkiller contributed to America’s opioid crisis. Under its bankruptcy plan the drugmaker will become a public trust and the Sackler family will relinquish ownership. Purdue says the settlement is worth $10bn, but that is not enough for the two dozen states, including California and New York, that are contesting the agreement.
普渡制药公司(Purdue Pharma)申请破产保护,这是该公司与24个州和数千个地方政府达成的初步和解协议的一部分,该和解协议旨在解决有关其奥昔康定(OxyContin)止痛药的过度营销导致美国阿片类药物危机的指控。根据破产计划,这家制药商将成为一家公共信托公司,萨克勒家族将放弃所有权。普渡大学表示,该和解协议价值100亿美元,但对于包括加州和纽约州在内的24个州来说,这还不够。