1.based in ...位于
"I cannot imagine that this would be unsolvable, " said a fund manager based in Shanghai.
“我很难想象这个问题会解决不了,”驻上海的一位基金经理表示 。
2.the timing of ……的时间/时机
He said the timing of such scrutiny was "not particularly good given the fragility of the global financial system. "
他称在“全球金融体系脆弱不堪之际”,如此吹毛求疵“是很不明智的” 。
3.funnel money to/into 往……输入资金
A steadily declining dollar over the past two months has helped funnel money into stocks and commodities as investors seek better returns.
过去两个月来,美元汇率稳步下跌,有助于资金流入股市和大宗商品,投资者获得更好的收益 。
4.still at large 犯人依然在逃
Parents and students will want to know why, with the gunman still at large, the university did not cancel classes.
家长和学生想要知道,犯罪嫌疑人尚未归案,学校方面为什么没有暂停课程 。
5.turn oneself in 自首
But I would try to convince him to turn himself in.
不过我会劝他投案自首 。
adj. 下降的,衰落的 动词decline的现在分词