You are just going to be a happier human being- just think is a lot.
So first of all, the topic that we'll talk about under goal setting- first, understand the theory and the practice of goal setting: the Ivory tower and the Main Street of it; second, how do we deal with stress- we'll talk about this in the next class; and finally, I don't think we have time for this, but I'm still leaving up the powerpoints there just so you can look at it, and I elaborate on it in the book.

Moving from material perception to happiness perception, which is essentially about what I talked about in the last meditation of the book, The Happiness Revolution and the internal revolution that can take place. I know you don't have time for before break, but you still have the material on it.
So let's begin with theory and practice. What I want to do now is convince you, very simply, to set goals, convince you that it is important and yet you are going to do it for, your response papers. You have already started doing it, but I really want to convince you, as a way of life, setting goals regularly, whether it's in business, whether in your personal life.
First, I'm going to do it by convince, showing you the research on setting goals and performance and second, setting goals and happiness- how it contribute to our success in the conventional currency, as well as in the ultimate currency.