And you reach a wall, a barrier. What do you do? Well, there are many things that you can do when you reach that wall.
And the wall is long and high. One way is to say, "OK, pity" and turn around. In other words, avoid that wall. Another thing we can do is take out our sledgehammer and try to break it down. Another thing that we can do before we do any of the other things is take our knapsack and throw it over the wall.

Take our knapsack and simply throw it over the wall. Why? Because the necessity is the mother of inventions. I need my knapsack to continue. I need my knapsack. I want it. And now it's over the wall. I have no choice. But to get over that wall, whether it's by breaking it down, whether it's by finding a way around it, under it or over it.
But suddenly, I will come up with solutions that I have not seen before and this is how it works. It's remarkable- how it works- for the exact same reason that when you declare a goal such as "I want to buy a computer". Suddenly you see computer ads all around you, whereas before you didn't see computer ads.