or let's say you want to buy specific car. Suddenly you see that specific car all around you while you didn't see it before. Why? Because we co-create our reality through our questions to a great extent.
Remember the children on the bus were there all along, but you didn't see them until I presented a goal to you which was to count the number of children on the bus And then suddenly it was so clear that it was right in front your eyes. Before, they didn't exist for you. That's what a goal does.

If I declare that I have to get over the wall, and my question is "how do I get over this wall". It's not thinking about "is it possible or is it not possible". It's rather "how can I get over this wall". This question opens up opportunities, many of which I have not seen before.
Suddenly the children on the bus are right in front of me. Suddenly a hole in the wall is right in front of me. Suddenly I see a sledgehammer that I didn't see before, right next to me.
Necessity is the mother of inventions. If we ask the right questions, it opens up opportunities.
The other thing that's at work here is the power of the word: words create worlds. Let there be light. We've seen it in religion. And there was light. Words create the world. Book of John: in the beginning was the word.