You are much more likely to be happy, which explains why so many people, when they retire, become less happy, even though they've been dreaming of being retired for many years. When they actually retire, they become less happy.
The ones who are happier when they retire are the ones who actually set goals for themselves, whether it's taking a class, whether it's learning something new, whether it's spending more time with family and friends, but they have a goal, as opposed to "let's just enjoy ourselves; let's just be".

We need that goal- this outcome, this future orientation, so that we can enjoy the present more. The goals liberate us to enjoy the here and now.
In other words, if you think about it, the role of goals is actually means. They are means toward an end, and the end are the present experiences.
Again, the goals in themselves, as we said, as we discussed, will not make us happier, whether attaining of the goal or failing to attain the goal.
We'll be on the ups and downs, the vicissitudes. But if we want the base level- the base level is the here and now. The present. It's the process. It's the journey that we're living mostly, not the outcome.