How come they end up in a rehab center? How come they are unhappy? Here's the how come.
You see, for years, when they climb up the ranks, when they have the dream of becoming a famous person, a person who is admired, revered, a person who can get anything or anyone almost they want, when they dream about it, they may be unhappy.
But they say to themselves, "OK. I'm unhappy now, but I'll be happy when I get there." And then they get there. And they realize that there's no "there" there. They think it would make them happy, but it doesn't.

And that's when the real problems begin. Because that's when they begin to experience helplessness. That's when they become resigned. That's when they go into- on the Hamburger model, that's when they go into the learned helplessness and resignation and the nihilism.
Because everyone has told them that once they make it then they'll be happy. And they told themselves, "once I make it then I'll be happy". And they are not any happier for it.
Yeah, initially when the fame begins, and when they start having things in their way as they always dream, of course they are happier. But then they go back to their base level.
And when they go to their base level, they are suppressed, they are upset, they are disappointed, and more than anything, they are scared.