Alberto Fernández, a Peronist, won Argentina’s presidential election, defeating the pro-business incumbent, Mauricio Macri. Voters blamed Mr Macri for a recession, an inflation rate of more than 50% and a poverty rate that tops 35%. The newly elected vice-president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, laid the groundwork for these economic problems when she was president from 2007 to 2015.
庇隆主义者阿尔贝托·费尔南德斯(Alberto Fernandez)赢得阿根廷总统大选,击败亲商的现任总统毛里西奥·马克里(Mauricio Macri)。选民将经济衰退、超过50%的通胀率和超过35%的贫困率归咎于马克里。新当选的副总统克里斯蒂娜·费尔南德斯·德基什内尔在2007年至2015年担任总统期间,为这些经济问题埋下了隐患。
Bolivia’s electoral authority declared that President Evo Morales won re-election, avoiding a run-off by just 0.57% of votes cast. At least two people died and dozens were injured in clashes between his supporters and those of opposition candidate Carlos Mesa, who has accused the government of rigging the vote.
玻利维亚选举委员会宣布总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯(Evo Morales)赢得连任,仅以0.57%的选票优势避免了决胜选举。在他的支持者和反对派候选人卡洛斯·梅萨(Carlos Mesa)支持者爆发的冲突中,至少有两人死亡,数十人受伤。卡洛斯·梅萨指责政府操纵了选举。

Chile’s president, Sebastián Pinera, reshuffled his cabinet and agreed to spend extra money on pensions and health care and to raise taxes on high earners, after 1.2m people demonstrated in Santiago, the country’s capital, against inequality and threadbare public services. At least 20 people died in rioting and arson attacks. Chile cancelled plans to host a summit of Asian and Pacific leaders in November and a UN climate meeting in December.
Claudia López, a crusader against corruption, was elected mayor of Bogotá, Colombia’s capital. Ms López is the first woman and first gay person to be elected to the job. The regional elections were a setback for the Democratic Centre party of the president, Iván Duque, who lost control of strongholds like Medellín.
A land divided
A constitutional amendment that strips Jammu & Kashmir of statehood and divides it into two territories administered directly by India’s national government came into effect. Life in the Kashmir valley has been severely disrupted since the government announced the change in August, because of restrictions on communications and travel, as well as protests and militant violence.
A court in Myanmar sentenced five members of a satirical troupe to a year’s hard labour for mocking the army’s role in politics.
King Maha Vajiralongkorn of Thailand dismissed two aides for adultery, a week after he stripped his official mistress of her titles for disloyalty.
Scores of people died when a gas stove being used by passengers to cook breakfast aboard a train in Pakistan exploded. It was the country’s worst rail disaster in a decade.
The pious rapist in charge of Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, killed himself to avoid capture by American soldiers. The jihadist group once controlled territory the size of Britain, but lost its last scrap of land earlier this year. Mr Baghdadi was found in north-west Syria, where he was chased down a tunnel. He detonated a suicide-vest, murdering two of his own children. Donald Trump said: “He died like a dog.”