In the long term, those who pursue their passions are more likely to succeed.
Again, seems pretty straight forward, pretty self-evident common sense.
But as we often said, common sense is not that common.
In many ways, this increased likelihood of success when we pursue the things that we are passionate about defines the "no pain, no gain" maxim. It defines it and changes it to the following maxim: "Do it better with pleasure."

Now if you quote me on this, I'll deny it. I did not say.
If you show someone the video of me saying it, I'll say that it's my cheesy twin brother who coined it.
But it's true. We do do it better with pleasure if we pursue our passions.
What happens in practice- again, there's a lot of research on it. You are reading some of it; I elaborate on some of it in the book
There's a lot of research that shows that when we are engaged in a self-concordant goal, we are much more likely to then continue to pursue self-concordant goals.
Because it was good that we were more successful; we want more of it. It's self-reinforcing.
Not just on the macro level of life goals where it does that, but also on the micro level.
And what we see is a trickle effect. People who set self-concordant goals were actually doing better in areas that were not necessarily self-concordant.