How can I enjoy getting to the end, my destination? Is it by engaging in a lot of learning? Is it by- which may be a character strength of mine, love of learning? Is it by engaging leading other people- the leadership is one of those character strengths? Is it by being spiritual and praying along the path- if spirituality or awe is my character strengths.
So it's helping us enjoy the journey on the way to a destination we deem valuable. In other words, if we have a self-concordant end and a self-concordant journey, this is what happiness is.

Both present benefit (journey) as well as future benefit (outcome). And that's why it goes hand in hand with a self-concordant goal. It's not that the self-concordant goals don't help us enjoy the journey, and it's on the VIA does not help us reach a better outcome. It does.
However, when they go together, we are more likely to experience a complete experience of happiness, of fulfillment.
And a lot of research has shown how identify our values in action and more importantly applying them, using them, exercising them leads to higher levels of happiness and success. And this is not just correlational; there is a causal relationship.