So what I did, as many of you know, was I looked at students' resumes, the CVs and helped them hone it, make it better for the recruiting process or other processes where they were looking for work.
And it really amazed me that just about every year, just about every year, the resumes became more impressive. Smaller fonts, bigger titles, narrower margins.
Each year, you know, very often, the older generation says—who have gone to Harvard—they say, "I wouldn't have got into Harvard today." It's true! It's unfortunate, but it's true.
每一年,老一辈进入哈佛的人他们会说“放在今天我肯定进不了哈佛” 确实是这样,很不幸,但这是真的

And I looked at these resumes and I was very impressed. And I said, "wow." Until I noticed a price that students—you, me—were paying for the smaller fonts and narrower margins. And the price is that we feel overwhelmed, too much to do, stress, anxiety.
And as a result of it—and there's a lot of data supporting this error—as a result of this, higher likelihood of depression.
And this is what we see on college campuses. This is what we see around the country. This is what we see around the world.
Because I recently returned from China—not very different from this. I recently came from Australia—very similar to this.