Try to fit in too many things in too little time: taking more courses, being part of more student organizations. And that has…That exacts a price.
OK. Here she is. The psychologist—the one and only Ellen DeGeneres talking about the state of affairs.
I believe some days sitcoms will be 30 seconds long. Cause that's all we need. That's all our attention span can take. Cause our attention span is short.
We've all got Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD or OCD or one of these disorders with three letters because we don't have the time or patience to pronounce the entire disorder. That should be a disorder right there, TBD —too busy disorder.

The weather is actually the happiest part of the news because at some point you're going to hear something positive. You know.
You're going to hear"it's a beautiful day". Or "it's going to be a beautiful day".
And it's nice to take in something positive. Because we hear all these negative stuff all the time and we go out into the world so chaotic and we're not going to notice it's a beautiful day.
We are moving too fast to even pay atention to that. And we need help to keep up with that pace
so we put a coffee shop here and a coffee shop here and a coffee shop here. And the smallest coffee is "Tall". And I'll have a coffee and a side red bull cause I'm very very busy!
所以我们在这建一个咖啡店,这里建一个咖啡店,那里建一个咖啡店,最小的咖啡店叫“大咖啡” 我会要一杯咖啡伴一罐红牛,因为我很忙很忙!
I've got TBD and I'm late for yoga…Hurry hurry!
我患了TBD,我的瑜伽课要迟到了,快 快点!